Alpha Emergency Hub

Alpha, QLD
Queensland Health
Ferm Engineering
Structural Engineer
Civil Engineer
Ashburner Francis
Electrical Engineer
Mech Check
Mechanical Engineer
SPP Group
Hydraulic Engineer
Fire Engineer
Project value
Modules built
Weeks to build
Off the back of the success of the Moura Community Hospital, Hutchies was engaged to construct the Alpha Emergency Hub – Queensland’s first colocated hospital, ambulance, police, fire and emergency services facility.
The hospital, residential aged care and staff accommodation facilities have been purpose-designed and built as modules to allow for expansion if needed. The thirty-four modules have been designed to come together and produce a cohesive building with strong architectural appeal.
Services were also of abundance with the new hospital providing 24 hour emergency access, two inpatient beds, two observation beds, two resuscitation bays, a private practice clinic, a four bed residential aged care facility, outpatient treatment facilities, telehealth facilities & non-clinical support services.
The facility also contains a combined Police Service and Fire & Rescue facility (with room for the SES in future), Ambulance Service centre, community meeting rooms, amenities and car parking.
Further, a variety of sustainable initiatives were incorporated into the facility including a 15kW solar system to reduce electricity demands as well as solar hot water with gas back-up. These were important due to the remote location of Alpha and limited electricity supply available from the grid.